Hotfixes: July 6, 2023

by Blizzard Entertainment

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


July 6, 2023


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Wild Mushroom and Fury of Elune will now deal their damage even if the target is out of line of sight of the Druid.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Fixed an issue that caused Incorporeal Beings' Destabilize effect to apply to targets not in combat with players when charmed.
    • The below Mythic+ changes were applied on June 30:
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Hackclaw’s War-Band
        • Gashtooth’s Gash Frenzy periodic damage reduced by 25%.
      • Decatriarch Wratheye
        • Withered Eruption damage reduced by 10%.
        • Rotburst Totem's Rotting Burst cast time increased to 7 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Watcher Irideus
        • Power Overload now targets 2 players (was 3).
    • Neltharion's Lair
      • Fixed an issue that caused Vileshard Crawler's Acid Splatter to inflict more damage than intended.
      • Rokmora
        • Blightshard Skitter health reduced by 25%.
        • Crystalline Ground damage reduced by 25%.
      • Naraxas
        • Toxic Retch damage reduced by 25%.
    • Neltharus
      • Qalashi Lavabearer health reduced by 10%.
      • Irontorch Commander health reduced by 15%.
      • Qalashi Warden health reduced by 10%.
      • Magmatusk
        • Health reduced by 10%.
        • Magma Lob cooldown has been increased.
        • Magma Eruption periodic damage reduced by 25%.
        • Lava Spray damage reduced by 20%.
        • Lava Wave damage reduced by 15%.
      • Forgemaster Gorek
        • Health reduced by 10%.
        • Blazing Aegis damage reduced by 20%.
        • Blazing Hammer damage reduced by 20%.
      • Warlord Sargha
        • Health reduced by 10%.
        • Molten Gold damage reduced by 20%.
    • The Vortex Pinnacle
      • Asaad
        • Skyfall Nova damage reduced by 20%.
    • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
      • Sentinel Talondrus
        • Earthen Shards periodic damage reduced by 20%.
      • Emberon
        • Seeking Flame’s visual has been adjusted.
    • Underrot
      • Grotesque Horror’s Dark Echoes cast time increased to 1.5 seconds (was 1 second).

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Utgarde Pinnacle and Utgarde Keep
      • Glaciate and Icy Path will no longer kill players when they are affected by King Ymiron's Screams of the Dead during Defense Protocol Alpha or Beta.
      • Fire Blast now does 6% max hp damage per second, instead of 10% during Defense Protocol Beta.
      • Fire Blast will now get casted much sooner after Glaciate during Defense Protocol Beta.

June 28, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Uldaman, Legacy of Tyr
    • Pets should no longer get stuck on the staircase leading to Sentinel Talondras while in combat.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue that was causing some players to be unable to obtain the toy "Hraxian's Unbreakable Will.”

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Classes
    • Rogue
      • Fixed an issue where Rogue's Tier 9 2-piece set bonus was not properly reducing the energy cost of the next ability used.

June 27, 2023


  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect trigger rates on Empyrean Power.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Fixed an issue where Mythic difficulty was not able to be selected using the Premade Groups interface.

Player versus Player

  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Fixed an issue that caused Reactive Resin triggers to put you in combat.


  • Suffusion Camp world quests now provide credit toward "Aiding the Accord: The Isles Call."

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Achievements
    • [with June 26 changes] Torch Juggler can now be completed in Dalaran, Stromwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, and Undercity.
    • [with June 26 changes] Completing the Trial of the Grand Crusader on Heroic difficulty (10 or 25) will now grant credit for both the heroic and normal versions of the achievement (Call of the Crusade and Call of the Grand Crusade) since both versions now share a lockout.
  • Items and Rewards
    • [with June 26 changes] Fixed an issue where some Tier 9 set bonuses were giving an unintended Critical Strike Damage or Healing modifier.

June 26, 2023


  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • [With weekly restarts] Damage increased by 6.5%.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
      • [With weekly restarts] Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Melee autoattack damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Demon Blades damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Demon's Bite damage increased by 15%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Felblade damage increased by 15%.
  • Druid
    • Feral
      • [With weekly restarts] Damage increased by 3%.
  • Evoker
    • Rescue should no longer interrupt channeled spells when cast on an ally who is channeling.
    • Rescue should no longer occasionally disconnect players in PvP.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • [With weekly restarts] Kill Shot damage increased by 10%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Marksmanship
      • [With weekly restarts] Aimed Shot, Kill Shot, and Rapid Fire damage increased by 10%. Kill Shot damage increase does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • [With weekly restarts] All damaging abilities increased by 3%.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Fixed an issue causing Shadow Covenant to fail when Blessing of Spellwarding was active on the Priest.
    • Holy
      • Developers' notes: Holy Priests have continued to trail behind other healers in DPS output, so we're increasing the damage of a variety of spells to bring them more in line.
        • [With weekly restarts] Holy Fire damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Smite damage increased by 15%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Holy Word: Chastise damage increased by 35%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Shadow Word: Death damage increased by 25%.
    • Shadow
      • Developers’ notes: Shadow has been overperforming in AoE environments. We're bringing down some of its sources of AoE and increasing the damage of some direct damage to offset this in single target.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mind Blast damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Shadow Word: Death damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mind Spike: Insanity damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mind Spike damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mind Flay: Insanity damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mind Flay damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Void Bolt damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Void Spike damage from Idol of Yogg-Saron reduced by 35%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Psychic Link now causes direct damage spells to inflict 25% of their damage onto all other targets with Vampiric Touch (was 30%).
  • Shaman
    • Restoration
      • [With weekly restarts] Aberrus (2) Set Bonus: Tidewaters healing increased by 40%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Aberrus (4) Set Bonus: Duration of Rainstorm increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue where Infernal would not despawn after swapping specializations.
  • Warrior
    • Protection
      • [With weekly restarts] Defensive Stance increased to 20% damage reduction (was 15%).

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • [With weekly restarts] Cross-realm Mythic raiding is now enabled for Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible.
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • [With weekly restarts] Dragonfire Traps now activate consistently based on Zskarn’s location.
      • [With weekly restarts] Elimination Protocol damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Elimination Protocol damage amplification reduced to 300% (was 500%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Salvage Parts duration increased to 120 seconds (was 60 seconds).
    • Magmorax
      • Corrected the spawn positions of two Spicy Lava Snails that were overly difficult to obtain.

Player versus Player

  • Items
    • [With weekly restarts] Gladiator’s Distinction primary stat bonus reduced to 20% (was 25%) for all damage dealing and tank specializations.
  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Balance
        • Developers’ notes: The cast time on Cyclone is too fast for enemy players to deal with, so we’re reducing its cast speed from Owlkin Adept and also reducing Precognition’s haste in Fractures in Time. Solar Beam’s duration lasting 8 seconds was an oversight, as it should have been reduced in the crowd control reduction pass in Embers of Neltharion.
          • [With weekly restarts] Owlkin Adept reduces the cast time of Cylcone and Entangling Roots by 15% (was 20%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Solar Beam lasts 6 seconds in PvP combat (was 8 seconds).
      • Restoration
        • [With weekly restarts] Reactive Resin's snare duration increased to 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
        • [With weekly restarts] Verdant Infusion now extends heal over time effects by 4 seconds (was 8 seconds) in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Master Shapeshifter now refunds 2500 mana from Ironfur (was 1250 mana), 3500 mana from Wrath / Starfire / Starsurge (was 2000 mana), and 10000 mana from spending 5 combo points in Cat Form (was 5000 mana) at level 70.
    • Monk
      • Mistweaver
        • [With weekly restarts] Enveloping Mist healing increased by 12% in PvP Combat (was 5%).
    • Priest
      • [With weekly restarts] Catharsis now stores 15% of damage taken (was 20%) and the stored amount cannot exceed 12% of the Priest's maximum health (was 15%).
      • Discipline
        • Developers' notes: Discipline damage and Atonement healing continues to be lower than we'd like in PvP, so we're increasing them to allow Discipline to be more offensive.
          • [With weekly restarts] All damage is now increased by 10% in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Atonement healing is now increased by 70% in PvP Combat (was 50%).
      • Shadow
        • Developers' notes: Instant damage from Catharsis and Unfurling Darkness is accounting for more of Shadow's burst damage than we were aiming for, so we're bringing their power down. Shadow is also getting PvE damage buffs that affect PvP which puts some of this power loss back into rotational spells.
          • [With weekly restarts] Unfurling Darkness now deals 25% reduced damage in PvP Combat.
    • Rogue
      • Subtlety
        • [With weekly restarts] Secret Technique damage now reduced by 40% in PvP Combat (was 33%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Thief's Bargain (PvP Talent) damage penalty increased to 10% (was 6%).
    • Shaman
      • Developers’ notes: We’re redistributing the amount of healing from instant cast sources for all Shaman and increasing the power of cast heals, so that cast heals are both more frequent and more meaningful.
      • [With weekly restarts] Healing Stream healing is now increased by 20% in PvP combat (was 30%).
      • Elemental
        • [With weekly restarts] Earth Shield healing is now reduced by 40% in PvP combat (was 30%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Healing Surge healing is now increased by 20% in PvP combat.
      • Enhancement
        • [With weekly restarts] Earth Shield healing is now reduced by 40% in PvP combat (was 30%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Healing Surge healing is now increased by 4% in PvP combat (was reduced by 13%).
      • Restoration
        • [With weekly restarts] Earth Shield healing is now reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Healing Surge healing is now increased by 27% in PvP combat (was 6%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Healing Wave healing is now increased by 56% in PvP combat (was 30%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Water Shield's melee attack mana refund is now 20% effective in PvP Combat (was 50%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Water Shield now regenerates 75% more mana from its passive effect in PvP Combat.
    • Warlock
      • Developers' notes: We're targeting the defensive power of Demonology with these changes as they are often a difficult target to take down relative to other DPS specs. We're also lowering the healing from Mortal Coil to lower overall self-healing from Warlocks in PvP.
        • [With weekly restarts] Mortal Coil healing is now 50% effective in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Soul Link's shared damage with the Warlock's pet is now 50% effective in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Profane Bargain's increase to the effectiveness of Soul Link at low health is now 40% effective in PvP Combat.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Classes
    • Death Knight
      • Fixed an issued where Desecration was pulling characters out of stealth.
    • Warrior
      • Fixed an issue where Deep Wounds was not doing damage while the Warrior is crowd controlled.

June 23, 2023

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Utgarde Pinnacle and Utgarde Keep
      • Fixed an issue where Fire Blast on Titan Rune Protocol Beta difficulty was occasionally doing 10 damage instead of 10% of a player's max health.
  • Player versus Player
    • Mercenary Mode for Isle of Conquest has been disabled.

June 22, 2023


  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue causing Divine Resonance to cancel some casts.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet
      • Players below level 80 should now be able to enter Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet.

June 21, 2023

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Quests
    • Midsummer Fire Festival
      • Fixed an issue where the Heroic version of The Slave Pens had Ahune, and related creatures, set to level 80 instead of level 70. The intention is that level 80 players are to go into the Normal difficulty dungeon to fight the level 80 version of Ahune.

June 20, 2023


  • Paladin
    • Crusading Strikes can now trigger Empyrean Power.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Kassara, the Hellforged
      • Kazzara health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Infernal Fusion damage reduced by 10%.
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • [With June 16 Changes] Resolved an issue that would cause players to take extra durability damage if their corpse fell off the platform.
      • Lowered the damage from Scorching Detonation by 10% on all difficulties.
      • Lowered the damage from Oblivion by 10% on all difficulties.
      • Updated the visual clarity for Drifting Embers.
  • Neltharus
    • Chargath, Bane of Scales
      • Fixed an issue that could prevent Chargath from casting Grounding Spear.

Items and Rewards

  • [With June 16 Changes] Deepflayer Lure’s damage increased by 110%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Djaradin Boasting Tablets’ max damage reduction reduced by 43%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Draconic Cauterizing Magma’s healing increased by 18%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Drakeforged Magma Charm’s damage increased by 72%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Friendship Censer’s healing increased by 55%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Magmaclaw Lure’s absorb reduced by 67%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Pocket Darkened Elemental Core’s damage reduced by 26%.
  • [With June 16 Changes] Smoldering Howler Horn’s critical strike reduced by 25%.


  • [With June 16 Changes] Effervesta won't escape from kidnapping early and will now correctly wait for the player to rescue her during “Suss Out the Imposter.”

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Classes
    • Mage
      • Ice Armor should no longer fall off when players have either rank 1 or rank 2 of Frost Warding.
    • Warrior
      • Blood Frenzy should now fall off when Deep Wounds falls off the target.
  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Ulduar
      • Yogg-Saron
        • Guardians of Yogg-Saron will once again spawn normally during Phase 1.

June 14, 2023


  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Eternity Surge will no longer fail to deal damage and go on cooldown if your enemy goes out of line of sight after the empower cast is completed.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • Motes of Oblivion should be more visible against the ground.

Player versus Player

  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Lava Lash damage is now correctly increased by 35% in PvP Combat.

June 13, 2023


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Wild Mushroom will now deal its damage even if the target is out of line of sight of the Druid.
      • Fury of Elune will now deal its damage even if the target is out of line of sight of the Druid.
  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Eternity Surge will now deal its damage effect correctly if you are crowd controlled immediately after completing the empower cast.

Player versus Player

  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Fixed an issue that caused Soulfang Infusion, from the Mistweaver 2-piece set, to regenerate more mana than intended in PvP Combat.

June 12, 2023


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Fixed a bug causing Astral Smolder to not deal appropriate damage to enemies with absorb shields.
    • Feral
      • Fixed a bug with Dreadful Bleeding causing it to increase Rip damage by less than intended.
  • Hunter
    • Survival
      • Fixed an issue where Fury of the Eagle did fewer instances of damage than expected when under the buff effects of the Bloodseeker talent.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • [With weekly restarts] Blast Wave damage reduced by 10% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • [With weekly restarts] Dragonfire Traps is now magic dispelable on Heroic difficulty.
      • [With weekly restarts] Dragonfire Traps activation time increased to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds) on Normal difficulty.
      • [With weekly restarts] Dragonfire Traps activation time increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds) on Heroic difficulty.
      • [With weekly restarts] Added additional visuals to Dragonfire Traps during activation on all difficulties.
  • Mythic+
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Fixed an issue that caused summoned Infected Lashers to grant enemy forces credit.

June 9, 2023


  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Fixed an issue where Radiant Providence from the Discipline Priest 4-piece set bonus would reset on when engaging a dungeon boss.
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue where the duplicated Prayer of Mending from the Holy Priest 2-piece set bonus would cost twice as much mana.

June 8, 2023


  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Fixed an issue causing Blackout Kick to double-dip on its recent buffs.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • The contribution of damage towards Blazing Blast and Void Blast is now properly reduced by absorbs.

Items and Rewards

  • Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy’s primary stat and Speed granted to allies reduced by 70% in PvP Combat.
  • Djaruun, Pillar of the Elder Flames' damage reduced by 50% in PvP Combat.
  • Fixed an issue where Ominous Chromatic Essence would continue to reapply to other allies when two players shared the same alignment.

June 7, 2023


  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue causing the Indomitable Justice Azerite trait to sometimes provide an unintended speed bonus.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • Developers’ notes: These changes are directed at reducing the burden on tanks in smaller groups where Shrapnel Bomb was more difficult to handle with more limited amounts of utility from the group.
      • [With June 6 resets] Zskarn health reduced by 10% for small group sizes on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • [With June 6 resets] Shrapnel Bomb initial damage and DOT damage reduced by 50% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • [With June 6 resets] Searing Claws damage reduced by 25% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • [With June 6 resets] Unstable Embers damage reduced by 30% on Heroic difficulty.
    • Echo of Neltharion
      • Calamitous Strike's debuff duration reduced from 40 seconds to 37 seconds on all difficulties. This is done to remove a problematic overlap in phase one of the encounter.
      • Calamitous Strike's debuff will now be removed when the encounter enters intermission on all difficulties.
      • Fixed an issue where Neltharion immediately melee his target after casting Calamitous Strike on all difficulties.
      • Added a slight delay before the same player can trigger an additional stack of Shatter after destroying Twisted Earth on all difficulties.
      • Volcanic Heart's radius reduced from 25 yards to 20 yards on Mythic difficulty.
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • Developers' note: A series of changes have been made to ease up a bit on the difficulty of this encounter on lower player size raids. Each of these changes are for non-Mythic difficulties only and scale back as raid size increases, evening out to about no changes for the 30 player raid.
      • [With June 6 resets] Health of Sarkareth and Null Glimmers reduced by 6% in 10 player raids.
      • [With June 6 resets] Duration of Astral Flare buff increased from 23 seconds to 30 seconds in 10 player raids.
      • [With June 6 resets] Oblivion damage per tick reduced by 50% in 10 player raids.
      • [With June 6 resets] Void Surge damage per tick reduced by 40% in 10 player raids.
      • [With June 6 resets] Dread raid wide damage reduced by 25% in 10 player raids.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Fixed an issue where Infuser Sariya's Inundate spell could inflict inconsistent amounts of damage.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Drakewatcher Manuscript for the Cliffside Wylderdrake - Black Hair customization option from dropping in some circumstances.
  • Zaralek Cavern
    • Fixed an issue where Cobalt Shalewing’s drop rate was lower than intended. Its drop rate is now in line with other similar drops.


  • Fixed an issue where Sparks of Life were not dropping in Zaralek Caverns from various content.

June 6, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Echo of Neltharion
      • Slightly reduced Neltharion’s health for smaller groups.
      • Volcanic Heart’s initial damage reduced on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
      • Echoing Fissures’ damage now scales with group size on LFR, Normal and Heroic difficulty.
      • Slightly reduced the Twisted Aberrations' health for smaller groups.

June 5, 2023


  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • [With weekly restarts] Increased damage of all abilities by 8%.
  • Druid
    • Feral
      • Developers' Notes: These set bonus changes will increase the average number of stacks of the (2) Set Bonus and cause the (4) Set Bonus to trigger less often, but provide more Agility when it does.
        • [With weekly restarts] Aberrus (2) Set Bonus: Chance for Shadows of the Predator stacks to reset reduced by 15%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Aberrus (4) Set Bonus: Now increases Agility by 8% (up from 5%).
  • Evoker
    • Preservation
      • Developers’ notes: We would like there to be more of a reward to using Disintegrate over Living Flame as a Preservation Evoker since it has a high Essence cost.
        • [With weekly restarts] Disintegrate damage has been increased by 15% for Preservation Evoker.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • [With weekly restarts] All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abilities increased by 5%.
  • Mage
    • Fire
      • [With weekly restarts] Pyroblast damage increased by 5% (does not apply in PvP combat).
      • [With weekly restarts] Fire Blast damage increased by 10% (does not apply in PvP combat).
      • [With weekly restarts] Fireball damage increased by 10% (does not apply in PvP combat).
      • [With weekly restarts] Phoenix Flames damage increased by 10% (does not apply in PvP combat).
      • [With weekly restarts] Scorch damage increased by 10%.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 3%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Blackout Kick damage increased by 30%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Tiger Palm damage increased by 30%.
    • Mistweaver
      • [With weekly restarts] All healing increased by 3%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 5%.
  • Warlock
    • Developers’ notes: The high frequency of Amplify Curse has been problematic in PvP combat, so its cooldown has been increased. These changes are also noted in the PvP section below.
      • [With weekly restarts] The cooldown of Amplify Curse is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
      • [With weekly restarts] Teachings of the Satyr now reduces the cooldown of Amplify Curse by 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • Developers’ notes: Arms Warriors are not performing as well as we would like in single target or low-target-count situations.
        • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 4%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Fatality Fatal Mark damage increased by 15%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Deep Wounds periodic damage increased by 5%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Rend periodic damage increased by 5%.
    • Protection
      • Developers’ notes: Protection Warriors are not currently performing as competitively as we would like compared to most other tanks in terms of damage and survivability.
        • [With weekly restarts] All damaging abilities increased by 8%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Auto-attack damage increased by 10%.
        • [With weekly restarts] Spell Block’s duration increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
        • [With weekly restarts] Thunderlord now causes each enemy hit by Thunder Clap to reduce the remaining cooldown of Demoralizing Shout by 1.5 seconds, up to 4.5 seconds (was 1.0 seconds, up to 3.0 seconds).

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible
    • Developer’s notes: Feedback and data from the first few weeks of Season Two have indicated that smaller raids are having a relatively difficult time defeating certain encounters within Aberrus. Part of our commitment to flex-scaling as a feature is to work towards a similar difficulty for all group sizes on non-Mythic difficulties. The following changes are designed to bring difficulty for smaller groups in line with the experience of a larger raid.
    • Rashok
      • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the number of missiles from Doom Flames on non-Mythic difficulties.
      • [With weekly restarts] Scorching Heatwave’s damage now scales with group size for non-Mythic difficulties.
    • The Forgotten Experiments
      • [With weekly restarts] Reduced Thadrion's health on lower group sizes on Heroic difficulty.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Balance
        • Developers’ notes: Balance Druids have been overperforming due to their ability to generate so much Astral Power and deal high damage by applying dots and casting Starfall repeatedly. We’d like to reduce the effectiveness of that playstyle since it’s difficult for opponents to stop. Goldrinn’s Fang also became much more effective in Embers of Neltharion, and includes some randomness and ability to score kills unexpectedly. Finally, Owlkin Adept has been a locked-in talent for a while now and has been propping up their control a bit more than we’re comfortable with.
          • [With weekly restarts] Moonfire and Sunfire generate 4 Astral Power when cast in PvP combat (was 6).
          • [With weekly restarts] Stellar Innervation increases Astral Power generation of Moonfire and Sunfire by 50% in PvP combat (was 100%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Star Burst now grants 8 Astral Power (was 15).
          • [With weekly restarts] Owlkin Adept reduces the cast time of Cyclone and Entanglng Roots by 20% (was 30%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Goldrinn's Fang damage is reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Wrath and Starfire deal 60% increased damage in PvP combat (was 50%).
    • Hunter
      • Marksmanship
        • Developers’ notes: Marksmanship Hunters have been underperforming in different forms of PvP content.
          • [With weekly restarts] Aimed Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Rapid Fire damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Arcane Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 16%).
    • Mage
      • Fire
        • Developers’ notes: Glass Cannon is intended to have high risk and high reward with its gameplay, and we feel the risk is too low for the benefit it provides, especially when paired with Flamecannon.
        • [With weekly restarts] Glass Cannon now decreases maximum health by 20% (was 15%)
        • [With weekly restarts] Flamecannon now increases maximum health by 2% per stack (was 3%).
    • Monk
      • Mistweaver
        • Developers’ notes: Mistweavers have been overperforming compared to other healers, especially due to their mana efficiency.
          • [With weekly restarts] Soulfang Infusion now regenerates 75% less Mana in PvP combat (was 50%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Zen Spheres now cost 0.5% base Mana.
          • [With weekly restarts] Enveloping Mist now heals for 5% more in PvP combat (was 20%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Mistweaver Monks now regenerate 15% less Mana in PvP combat (was 10%).
    • Windwalker
      • Developers’ notes: Whirling Dragon Punch has felt underwhelming and we’d like it to feel impactful to use without being a major portion of a Windwalker’s damage profile.
        • [With weekly restarts] Whirling Dragon Punch damage increased by 80% in PvP Combat.
    • Priest
      • Discipline
        • Developers’ notes: Discipline has been more reliant on shields this season than we’d like. We’re increasing Atonement healing while bringing down the power of shields, with the goal of the preferred playstyle being an offensive one. We’re also targeting the mana reduction from Inner Light, as Discipline has been more mana efficient than we’d like.
          • [With weekly restarts] Power Word: Shield now absorbs 15% less damage in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Inner Light now reduces the mana cost of the affected spells by 10% (was 15%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Atonement healing is now 50% more effective in PvP Combat (was 40%).
    • Rogue
      • Subtlety
        • Developers’ notes: Burst damage from Subtlety has been higher than we’d like this season. We’re looking to keep the spec in a strong position while toning down their burst potential in short windows.
        • [With weekly restarts] Secret Technique damage is now reduced by 33% in PvP Combat (was 25%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Shadowstrike and Backstab damage from Weaponmaster is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Flagellation’s Mastery bonus is now 80% effective in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Dark Shadow is now 67% effective in PvP combat (was 80%).
    • Shaman
      • Enhancement
        • Developers’ notes: There are a few talents that are leading to fast kills that can feel unfair when facing an Enhancement Shaman. We’re aiming to bring down the burst potential from cooldowns and increase sustained DPS.
          • [With weekly restarts] Forceful Winds is now 75% effective in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] The damage increase to Lava Lash from Ashen Catalyst is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Lava Lash now deals 35% increased damage in PvP Combat (was 15%).
          • [With weekly restarts] The Physical damage increase from Feral Spirit is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] The Fire, Frost, and Lightning damage increase from Elemental Spirits is now 50% effective in PvP Combat.
          • [With weekly restarts] Stormstrike now deals 75% increased damage in PvP Combat (was 50%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Windstrike now deals 75% increased damage in PvP Combat (was 50%).
      • Restoration
        • Developers’ notes: We feel Restoration Shaman is in a good spot. Rain Dance wasn’t as valuable as we were anticipating, so we’re aiming to increase its viability.
          • [With weekly restarts] Rain Dance now increases the healing done by Healing Rain by 30% (was 20%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Rain Dance now reduces the mana cost of Healing Rain by 45% (was 30%).
    • Warlock
      • Developers’ notes: Inquisitor’s Gaze has been dealing a sizeable portion of Warlock damage this season, and we’d like damage to come primarily from active spells.
        • [With weekly restarts] Fel Barrage from Inquisitor's Gaze now deals 40% reduced damage in PvP Combat.
      • Developers’ notes: The high frequency of Amplify Curse has been problematic in PvP combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] The cooldown of Amplify Curse is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
        • [With weekly restarts] Teachings of the Satyr now reduces the cooldown of Amplify Curse by 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Affliction
        • Developers’ notes: We are increasing the damage of Unstable Affliction’s backlash effect to lessen the value of dispelling Affliction’s damage over time effects. It’s been lower than we’d like, in addition to healers gaining extra health this season. Additionally, we’re increasing Shadow Bolt damage as the reward for casting it is lower than we’d like.
          • [With weekly restarts] Unstable Affliction backlash damage increased by 50%.
          • [With weekly restarts] Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
      • Demonology
        • Developers’ notes: Demonology’s healing reduction effect from their Felguard was one of the best healing reductions in the game, which didn’t feel appropriate given the class identity, how easy it is to apply, and how it can be applied to multiple targets at a time. Along with Affliction, we’re also increasing the damage of Shadow Bolt in PvP, as the reward for casting it is low.
          • [With weekly restarts] Legion Strike reduces healing taken by 20% in PvP (was 25%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
      • Destruction
        • Developers’ notes: Destruction’s sustained DPS has been high and we feel this is mainly due to Shadowburn’s high multiplier. We would like for instant casts to be strong but not be the primary way to land kills.
          • [With weekly restarts] Conflagration damage is now reduced by 15% in PvP Combat (was 9%).
          • [With weekly restarts] Shadowburn damage is now increased by 15% in PvP Combat (was 45%).

June 1, 2023

Items and Rewards

  • Prismatic Bauble's cooldown has been reduced to 60 seconds (was 120 seconds) for one month.
    • Developers’ notes: For one month, the Prismatic Bauble's cooldown has been reduced and can be purchased from Jepetto Joybuzz and his Clockwork Assistant in The Wonderworks in Dalaran, floating above the Broken Isles. The Wonderworks can be found down the steps from the Violet Citadel and across the street from Simply Enchanting. Be warned! This very expensive cosmetic item will only have a reduced cooldown and be available from these sources for a month before returning to its original cooldown and being exclusively sold by Dalaran's legendary and elusive Mad Merchant.


  • Researchers Under Fire
    • Developers’ notes: Players were being delayed by a lack of Altar Stones which we are addressing. Even with more Altar Stones the timer is still super tight. We think another 30 seconds will allow groups to perfect their runs and be more in line with the Titan version once players become more familiar.
    • Added more spawns of Altar Stones as well as made them spawn quicker.
    • The Sundered Flame Forces are being delayed giving players an extra 30 seconds to complete the Investigation of the Djaradin Ruins.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Commendation of Bravery is again available from Veteran Arena vendors: Argex Irongut in Gadgetzan, Kezzik the Striker in Area 52, and Nargle Lashcord in Dalaran.

May 31, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Incorporeal
        • Incorporeal's immunity effect can now be removed by effects that dispel immunities.
        • Incorporeal Beings are now susceptible to Charm effects.
        • The effectiveness of Incorporeal Being's Destabilize is reduced if cast while charmed.
          • Developers’ notes: These changes aim to give Warriors and Death Knights more powerful options to counter the Incorporeal affix.

May 30, 2023


  • Druid
    • Fixed a bug causing Ursol's Vortex to use its PvP duration in PvE content.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • The Forgotten Experiments
      • Fixed an issue where players sometimes left combat between when boss creatures were active.
    • Rashok, the Elder
      • Fixed an issue where Lava Wave is inflicting damage more often than stated in the spell description.
    • Magmorax
      • No longer targets pets with Blazing Breath.
    • Echo of Neltharion
      • Shatter no longer damages pets.
  • Mythic+
    • Neltharus
      • Burning Chains found in the Smoldering Barracks no longer damage players.
      • The doorway in the Smoldering Barracks now opens when Chargath, Bane of Scales is defeated.
      • Increased the cooldown of Qalashi Thaumaturge's Molten Core.
      • Forgewrought Monstrosity health reduced by 25%.
      • Lava Flare health reduced by 20%.
      • Magmatusk
        • Magma Eruption damage reduced by 20%.
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • The cooldown of Temple Adept's Greater Heal has been increased.
      • Skyfall Star's Starlight damage reduced by 20%.
      • Asaad, Caliph of Zephyrs
        • Skyfall Nova health reduced by 20%.

Items and Rewards

  • Players can now get a Wirt's Leg drop during the Diablo promotion even if their class cannot use the weapon type.
    • Developers’ notes: We are seeing that some versions of Wirt's Leg are rarer than others due to a restriction on only seeing items your class can use. With the item being Bind on Equip, we are removing the restriction of only seeing items your class can use, so players will see a Wirt's Leg more often and can send it to an alt that can use it. Also, players can trade a version of the leg they do not need to others that do.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Moon and Stars will no longer cause Precognition to trigger even if the Druid is successfully interrupted.


  • Alchemy
    • Potion and Phial Cauldrons have had their cooldowns reduced to 10 seconds so that solo alchemists who provide for large raid sizes can do so quickly.


  • The Seething Orb puzzle in the Zaqali Caldera will now spawn more frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elder Magma Serpent might not spawn if Ritualmaster Skarna was defeated too quickly during “Researchers Under Fire.”

May 26, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn’s health reduced by an additional 10% on Mythic difficulty, for a total 25% health reduction.


  • Big Slick in the City should now no longer anger the local wildlife during “Snail Mail.”
  • The speed up bonus now lasts twice as long during “Snail Mail.”

May 25, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Fixed an issue allowing players who had completed Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Echoes of the Earth-Warder on any difficulty to access later encounters on higher difficulties.
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • Developers’ note: The Zskarn changes address an emerging tactic that trivializes certain aspects of the encounter. We hope these changes will encourage more interaction with the encounter's existing mechanics, while maintaining its prior level of difficulty. These changes will be live 5/26.
      • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Dragonfire Golem health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Zskarn will now Berserk on all difficulties.
      • Adjusted the position of Dragonfire Traps.
      • Shrapnel Bomb reduced to 3 on Mythic difficulty (was 4).
      • Fixed an issue that could cause an inappropriate amount of Shrapnel Bombs to spawn.
      • Zskarn no longer activates Tactical Destruction based on his location.
  • The Underrot
    • Fixed an issue where Sporecaller Zancha's Festering Harvest would not destroy spore pods.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where the Treasure Goblin is spawning multiple times consecutively in Valdrakken.

Items and Rewards

  • Reduced the mana granted by Serpent's Grand Charm to 2,400 (was 12,000) to correctly account for how healer mana pools are calculated.
  • The Diablo Promotion Charms effects will no longer be applied while in Raids, Rated PVP and M+ Dungeons.
    • Developers’ notes: The effects won't immediately reapply when you leave these instances. You will need to relog to get them to apply again. We are looking into a possible fix for this.


  • The Savage Green Turtle will no longer be summoned from the favorite mount list on land when it is favored and will now be prioritized when in water.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue with capturing the Risen Spirits during the Classic Ashran Brawl.


  • Fixed an issue where "Seismic Ceremony" would not complete for players who only killed Runestone Fragments and did not click any Primalist Runestones.

Trading Post

  • “Complete Weekly Crafting Quests” and “Fulfill Personal Crafting Orders” activities should once again appear in the Travelers Log.

May 24, 2023


  • The niffen have noticed that player's scent permeates through all their characters, as such, the Smelly title is now account-wide.


  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue where some cooldowns were not updating dynamically with Blessing of Dusk.
    • The cooldowns of Holy Prism and Light's Hammer are now reduced by Blessing of Dusk when the class set is equipped.

Items and Rewards

  • Firelands Timewalking Trinkets
    • The Hungerer - Haste reduced by 5%.
    • Matrix Restabilizer - All secondary stats reduced by 5%.
    • Necromantic Focus - Mastery reduced by 20%.
    • Vessel of Acceleration - Critical Strike reduced by 10%.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Hunter
      • Sentinel now resets to 5 stacks or seconds available when Arenas and Battlegrounds start.
  • Items and Rewards
    • Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood damage reduced by 60% in PvP Combat.
    • Bile-Stained Crawg Tusks damage reduced by 60% in PvP Combat.
    • Forgestorm damage reduced by 60% in PvP Combat.

May 23, 2023

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser's charge stacks would be lost upon leaving combat.
  • Ominous Chromatic Essence will now recall the player's previously chosen Oathstone alignment when relogging without the trinket equipped.


  • Characters who have completed "Moving On" will be able to start "Keeper of the Ossuary" on their alts if their alts are level 70. Alts will not have to complete the Azure Span introduction to gain access to the Blue Dragonflight quest.

May 22, 2023


  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue causing Weapons of Order to incorrectly increase enemy damage taken from trinket and embellishment effects.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Fixed an issue where using Windstrike in Ascendance while talented into Legacy of the Frost Witch and Thorim's Invocation was not properly resetting the cooldown of Windstrike when gaining the Legacy of the Frost Witch buff.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Ripped through the Portal would not function on Magmorax's platform.
      • Fixed an issue where Dread Calling would not function on Magmorax's platform.
      • Fixed an issue where Infernal Command would not function on Magmorax's platform.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Neltharus
      • Forgemaster Gorek
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the duration of Blazing Aegis reduced to 4 seconds (was 6 seconds).
    • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
      • Bromach
        • [With weekly restarts] The health of Quaking totem has been reduced by 20%.
    • The Vortex Pinnacle
      • Asaad
        • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the health of Skyfall Nova by 10%.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Zaralek Cavern
    • [With weekly restarts] The loot lockout now resets when the content in a given area of the map becomes available. Now, when world quests are visible in an area, the rare elite enemies in that area will also be available. Rare elite rewards have been increased to offset their reduced frequency.
      • Developers’ notes: Unlike Forbidden Reach, the rare elites in Zaralek Cavern are meant to be a bonus, rather than the primary activity.


  • The extra Effervesta will not be present during the “Best Friends” quest chain.
  • Fyrakk is looking for more folks to burninate during “Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp,” so this quest can now be offered to qualifying alts between levels 60 and 66 (was 67+).

May 19, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Fixed an issue where some Voracious Magma Worms could not be attacked.
    • Rashok, the Elder
      • Fixed an issue where Rashok can sometime not jump to target player's location during Searing Slam.
  • Mythic+
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Brackenhide Gnolls no longer trigger Mythic Keystone affix effects on death.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Containment Apparatus health reduced by 10%.
      • Limited Immortality is now properly cleared from players when starting a new mythic keystone.


  • Fixed an error where the world event “Researchers Under Fire" was not switching objectives correctly on the weekly reset.
    • Developers’ notes: This fixes a bug that was preventing the Researchers Under Fire event from rotating to the Zaqali Ruin Investigation. It should now be taking players to the Molten Overflow for the remainder of this reset period. The event will rotate each week between the Titan Lockdown and Zaqali Ruin Investigation areas.

May 18, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fixed an issue that, in many cases, prevented Flightstones from dropping Normal and Heroic dungeons and bosses in Aberrus on all difficulties.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing too many Bonus Flightstones to be awarded when a player in the group increases their M+ rating.
  • Mythic+
    • Brakenhide Hollow
      • Rotbow stalker's Scented Meat periodic damage reduced by 25%.
      • Rotbow stalker's Scented Meat impact damage reduced by 30%.
      • Hackclaw's Warband
        • Updated the visual indicator for Savage Charge.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Glacial Proto-Dragon's Deep Chill periodic damage reduced by 20%.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Vileshard Crawlers no longer trigger on-death affix effects.


  • The quest "Power Unified" should now only consume one Spark of Shadowflame upon completion and reward 2.


  • Fixed an issue causing the progress bar for "Glimmerfish Before It's Gone" to not appear.

May 17, 2023


  • The achievement Slow and Steady Wins the Race now correctly checks to see if you actually purchased treats for the racer that won before awarding credit.
  • Fixed an issue where Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone would not be rewarded upon completing Dragonflight Season 2 Hero.


  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Fixed an issue causing Pyre to fail to deal damage if the target moved out of line of sight after the spell was cast.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue where Gift of the Golden Val'kyr would not correctly extend the duration of Guardian of Ancient Kings when overridden by Glyph of the Queen.
      • Removed the increase to auto-attack range from Crusader's Reprieve for Protection only.
        • Developers’ notes: This was causing clarity issues with stationary bosses, where a player might be able to attack the boss while the boss thought the player was out of range.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Imp Gang Bosses would not spawn on Magmorax's platform.
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue where Channel Demonfire would not be usable after being resurrected before Immolate expires.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Colossal Draconic Golem no longer has a visible 'True Sight' aura but retains its ability to detect invisible units.
    • Echo of Neltharion
      • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck with Sundered Reality during phase 3 of the encounter.
  • Mythic+
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Fixed an issue that caused Shoot used by Rotbow Gnolls to inflict more damage than intended.
      • Gutshot
        • Fixed an issue that could cause the encounter to reset if Gutshot wasn't attacked for long periods of time.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Fixed an issue where Khajin the Unyielding's Hailstorm, Gulping Goliath's Overpowering Croak, and Primal Tsunami's Tempest's Fury could target player pets.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Fixed an issue where Dargrul's Crystal Spikes could target player pets.
    • Neltharus
      • Fixed an issue where Forgemaster Gorek's Forgestorm, Forgemaster Gorek's Blazing Eruption, Forgemaster Gorek's Blazing Hammer, and Magmatusk's Magma Eruption could target player pets.
      • Qalashi Warden should no longer using Blazing Slash simultaneously.
    • The Underrot
      • Fixed an issue where Crawmaw the Infested's Tantrum, Sporecaller Zancha's Festering Harvest, Living Rot's Foul Sludge, and Blood Tick's Blood Burst could target player pets.
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • Fixed an issue where Minister of Air's Overload Grounding Field could target player pets.

Items and Rewards

  • Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood now sheathes closer to the center of the player's back.
  • After logging out and back in, off-hand items will now correctly count towards a character/account's peak (used to determine the threshold for upgrade discounts) on off-hand items (including shields) for Paladins and Shaman.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Mage
      • Fire
        • Fixed a bug that caused Ignite to deal increased damage when spread while using the Glass Cannon PvP Talent.


  • Reputation gains from Zaralek Cavern will now be correctly boosted by the Sign of the Emissary from the ongoing World Quest event.
  • "I Need... a Tailor" will no longer consume all Vibrant Wildercloth Bolts in a player's inventory on turn-in.

May 16, 2023


  • Dragonflight Season 2 Master can again be completed by reaching 2000 Mythic+ score.
  • Fixed an issue where players were not getting credit for Still Standing in Fire despite dying to Ire of Fyrakk.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Falling through the pipes of the Auxiliary Drainage increases movement and swim speed by 200% until entering combat.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Ularogg
        • Fixed an issue that caused Falling Debris to strike players multiple times.
    • Neltharus
      • Warlord Sargha
        • Reduced the total number of Dragon Eruptions during Magma Shield.
        • Warlord Sargha no longer generates energy while under the effects of Backdraft.
    • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
      • Bromach
        • Shocking Quake damage reduced by 20%.
      • Sentinel Talondras
        • Earthen Shards prefers not to target the same player with consecutive casts.
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • Slipstreams that spawn after defeating Ertan and Altairus now grant players 100% movement speed until enter entering combat.
      • Altairus
        • Biting Cold damage reduced by 25%.
        • Twisting Winds damage reduced by 25%.


  • Mining/Herbalism
    • Fixed a bug that caused Zaralek Glowdust and Zaralek Glowbur to not propagate while mounted.


  • Fixed an issue where Fyrakk would not appear during Fyrakk Assaults despite the Fyrakk’s Fury bar being full.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause players in the to not get credit for killing Captain Reykal during “Researchers Under Fire.”

May 15, 2023


  • Fixed an issue causing the Eggscellent Eggsecution to not grant achievement points.


  • Death Knight
    • Frost
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 3%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Obliterate damage increased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Frost Strike damage increased by 6%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Howling Blast damage increased by 6%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Remorseless Winter damage increased by 8%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Frost Fever damage increased by 12%.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
      • [With weekly restarts] Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] First Blood (Talent) damage bonus to first enemy struck increased to 95% (was 75%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Inner Demon (Talent) damage increased by 30%.
    • Vengeance
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Fiery Brand's damage reduction effect from applying to its primary target.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • [With weekly restarts] Vault of the Incarnates (4) Set bonus tuning: Entering Eclipse makes your next Starsurge or Starfall cost 10 less Astral Power (was 5) and deal 25% increased damage (was 20%).
    • Restoration
      • Rejuvenation now costs 11% base mana (was 12%).
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • [With weekly restarts] Aberrus (4) Set bonus cooldown reduction for Bestial Wrath increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
      • [With weekly restarts] Kill Cleave now strikes nearby enemies for 80% of the damage (was 60%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Beast Cleave now causes your pet to strike nearby targets for 40/80% of the damage (was 35/75%).
  • Mage
    • Frost
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 4%.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue causing Holy Prism to sometimes fail to grant Holy Power despite having the class 4-Set equipped.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 2%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Vault of the Incarnates (2) set bonus now grants 3% damage, stacking 3 times (was 5%, stacking up to 5 times).
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage done increased by 3%.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue that would cause Zskarn's ability use to be inconsistent.
      • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue causing Blast Wave to knock back pets.
    • Magmorax
      • Magma Puddles are no longer affected by Spirit of Redemption.
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • Players are now unable to be struck by Motes of Oblivion for a short duration after leaving the Emptiness Between Stars.
  • Mythic+
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Claw Fighter's Vicious Clawmangle inflicts damage less often.
      • Toxic Trap damage reduced by 25%.
      • Ragestorm has a range indicator visual.
      • Treemouth
        • Treemouth's health reduced by 10%.
        • Grasping Vines casting animation has been updated to better indicate that a player should stand in the area on Mythic+ difficulty.
        • Increased the cooldown of Grasping Vines and Consume.
        • Treemouth no longer moves or casts spells while consuming a player.
        • The draw in effect of Grasping Vines has been reduced.
        • Gushing Ooze cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • Freehold
      • Blacktooth Knuckleduster’s Shattering Bellow damage reduced by 10%.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Containment Apparatus’ Containment Beam damage reduced by 15%.
      • Falling through the pipes of the Auxiliary Drainage increases movement and swim speed by 200% until entering combat.
      • Crashing Tsunami damage reduced by 20%.
      • Crashing Tsunami move 20% slower.
      • The initial area indicator for Crashing Tsunami spawns better matches its area of effect.
      • The safe spot provided by pillars in the Infusion Chamber extends further behind the pillar.
      • Refreshing Tides is now interruptible.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Mightstone Breakers’ Avalanche now has a visual to indicate the impact area.
      • Dargrul the Underking
        • Flame Gout occurs every 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
        • Flame Gout damage reduced by 15%.
        • Magmabreaker damage reduced by 15%.
    • Neltharus
      • Warlord Sargha
        • Breaking the Magma Shield within 2 seconds of it being cast will no longer cause Dragon's Eruption to continue throughout the fight.
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • Asaad, Caliph of Zephyrs
        • Improved the precast visual effects Static Cling.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Class set items sold by Norzko the Proud can now be refunded after purchase.
  • Fixed an issue where Forgemasters at Suffusion Camps could get stuck evading.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where Ominous Chromatic Essence can forget the player's chosen alignment in certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where Mark of Draconic Mastery was not awarded upon unlocking Dragonflight Season 2 Master while in a Mythic+ instance.


  • Ottuks and Aurelids are now properly classified by their movement types when filtering mounts in the Mount Journal.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Death Knight
      • Frost
        • Developers’ notes: Frost Death Knights have been on our radar as underperforming, but still effective in the right situations. We’re reducing their burst damage alongside their game-wide damage increases with the goal of a healthier overall damage profile.
        • [With weekly restarts] Pillar of Frost now increases Strength by 15% in PvP Combat (was 25%).
      • Unholy
        • Developers’ notes: We’ve been monitoring our changes to Reanimation and have felt its damage is too high relative to how much control Death Knight’s have over enemies’ positioning.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reanimation’s explosion now deals 15% of the targets health in Shadow damage (was 20%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Allied players can no longer see the explosion ring visual for Reanimation.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reanimation’s stun debuff is now using the correct spell icon.
    • Demon Hunter
      • Havoc
        • Developers’ notes: Our goal with Rain from Above is for it to have situational offensive and defensive usage. With recent increases to its damage, we’re seeing it used for offense more often than intended, so we’re bringing its damage down.
        • [With weekly restarts] Rain from Above (PvP Talent) Fel Lance damage reduced to 8% of target’s max health (was 10%).
    • Mage
      • Fire
        • Fixed an issue that caused Glass Cannon to not increase the damage of Ignite.
      • Frost
        • Fixed an issue that caused Frost Bomb to not grant a charge of Flurry when dispelled.
    • Monk
      • [With weekly restarts] Strength of Spirit now increases the healing of Expel Harm by up to 50% based on your missing health in PvP Combat (was 100%).
      • Windwalker
        • Developers’ notes: Expel Harm’s healing was dramatically increased with Season 2. We’re happy with the base healing of the spell, but modifiers from Reverse Harm and Strength of Spirit are making it more powerful than we intended.
        • [With weekly restarts] Reverse Harm now increases the healing done by Expel Harm by 30% (was 60%).
    • Priest
      • Holy
        • Developers’ notes: Holy Priests have continued to underperform in PvP, so we’re buffing several of their primary healing spells.
        • [With weekly restarts] Renew healing increased by 34% in PvP Combat (was 22%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Flash Heal healing increased by 52% in PvP Combat (was 40%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Heal healing increased by 57% in PvP Combat (was 43%).
        • [With weekly restarts] Holy Word: Sanctify healing increased by 10% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Holy Word: Serenity healing increased by 25% in PvP Combat (was 15%).
    • Shaman
      • Enhancement, Elemental
      • Developers’ notes: The healing contribution from Earth Shield for the hybrid Shaman specs is above our target in PvP after recent buffs to the spell.
      • [With weekly restarts] Earth Shield healing reduced by 30% in PvP Combat for Enhancement and Elemental.
    • Warlock
      • [With weekly restarts] Call Observer now has 8% of the Warlock's health (down from 20%).
      • Destruction
        • Developers’ notes: Destruction’s sustained DPS in PvP especially with instant casts is higher than we’d like. We feel Chaos Bolt is in a good state, so we’re targeting other areas of the kit to bring down their DPS.
        • [With weekly restarts] Incinerate damage reduced by 10% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Shadowburn damage increased by 45% in PvP Combat (was 65%).
    • Warrior
      • Arms
        • Developers’ notes: We feel Arms Warrior’s burst window has been more effective than we would like in PvP. We’re shifting their damage profile slightly to increase their consistent pressure but decrease their burst damage.
        • [With weekly restarts] Sharpen Blade cooldown increased to 30 seconds and duration decreased by 2 seconds.
        • [With weekly restarts] Skullsplitter now causes expired bleeds to deal 65% damage (was 100%) in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Deep Wounds damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Rend no longer deals 15% reduced damage in PvP Combat.
        • [With weekly restarts] Fueled by Violence now heals for 70% (was 85%) of damage dealt by Deep Wounds in PvP Combat.

May 12, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where Every Door Everywhere All At Once was not always properly being rewarded. If you re-enter the vault with all doors open in that vault, you should now receive credit.


  • Demon Hunter
    • Developer's notes: We've been monitoring feedback about the default behavior of Fiery Brand as well as Fiery Brands cast via the new Set bonus. As a result, we've added a highlight to Fracture/Shear when the Set proc is available to cast, and will be retaining the behavior that Set casts include the remaining duration when applied to a target with an existing Fiery Brand.
    • Vengeance
      • Adds a highlight to Shear/Fracture when Recrimination is available.
      • Recrimination is no longer able to stack.
  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue causing Rage of the Sleeper to fail to increase Thrash periodic damage.
    • Restoration
      • Rejuvenation now costs 11% base mana (was 12%).
  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • The mana requirement to increase the spell damage bonus on the 4-Set Bonus now properly scales within Timewalking dungeons.
      • Time Anomaly Arcane Surges no longer overwrite active Arcane Overloads.
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Heartfire Sentinel's Authority 4-Set to consume 2 charges of Hammer of Wrath while talented into Vanguard's Momentum.
      • Hammer of Wrath's additional targets provided by Heartfire Sentinel's Authority 4-Set now ignores targets that are not in combat with the Paladin or are under the effects of crowd control that breaks on damage.
  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue causing Rhapsody to not stack until Holy Nova is cast after starting a Mythic+ dungeon.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that caused Sepsis' buff that enables use of a Stealth skill to be cancelled by Deathmark when copying Garrote.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Sepsis' buff that enables use of a Stealth skill to be cancelled by Ambush when a Blindside proc was available.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Freehold
      • Fixed an issue where Sharkpuncher's Ripper Punch could target pets.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Naraxas
        • Fixed an issue that allowed Hurling Rocks to pierce player immunity effects.
        • Hurling Rocks will no longer increase in frequency as the encounter progresses.
    • Neltharus
      • Warlord Sargha
        • Curse of the Dragon Hoard damage reduced by 20%.
        • Curse of the Dragon Hoard no longer stacks.
        • Magical Implements can now be used while moving.
        • Seismic Boots are no longer found in gold piles.
        • The Dragon's Eruption missile travel time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • Grand Vizier Ertan
        • Fixed an issue that allowed Storm's Edge to be interrupted.
        • Storm's Edge damage reduced by 15%.
      • Asaad, Caliph of Zephyrs
        • The health of Skyfall Nova has been reduced by 20%.
        • The damage of Chain Lightning has been reduced by 10%.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where Pillar of the Elder Flame's cooldown would not reset upon ending an encounter.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Mage
      • Fixed an issue that caused Time Manipulation to not reduce the cooldown of Snowdrift.


  • Recipes purchased with Ponzo's Cream and Glimmerogg Timeshare Vouchers are now Bind on Pickup as intended.
  • The recipe for Heat-Resistant Rescue Ring is no longer Bind on Pickup.
    • Develpers’ notes: We do not take increasing restrictions on an item's tradability lightly, however it is important to maintain consistency between professions and across various froms of content. Although we have lightened our recipe tradability rules with Dragonflight, items purchased from content unlocks or with special currencies tend to remain soulbound. Separately, the Heat-Resistant Rescue Ring from Fishing was made soulbound by mistake and has been corrected.

May 11, 2023


  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue causing Light's Hammer to damage too frequently with the 4-Set equipped.
      • Holy Prism and Light's Hammer now grant a shield when cast with Fading Light's Blessing of Dusk.
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Hammer of Wrath from correctly striking additional enemies when Heartfire Sentinel's Authority 4-Set is equipped.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue where Inspired Word would be granted without having the Holy 4-Set bonus.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Nightstalker's damage bonus from applying in its intended circumstances.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Amalgamation Chamber
      • After a soft reset, the door from Amalgamation Chamber to Experiments of Dracthyr will now properly open if you have defeated the Amalgamation.
      • Adjusted the damage of Umbral Detonation and Blistering Twilight to scale appropriately with group size on Normal and Heroic Difficulties.
    • Scalecommander Sarkareth
      • Adjusted the damage of Echoing Howl to scale appropriately with group size.
        • Developers’ notes: We discovered an issue that was causing the total damage Echoing Howl was doing to all players was scaling too high in larger raid sizes and too low in smaller raid sizes. This change works to even out the damage and make the difficulty more consistent across all raid sizes.
  • Mythic+
    • Developers’ notes: We have been closely monitoring live data and player feedback since the launch of Dragonflight season 2. Based on this, we've made a number of targeted adjustments to outlier bosses as well as reduced some of the timers that we feel better reflect the difficulty of certain dungeons.
    • The time to complete The Underrot has been reduced to 30 minutes (was 32 minutes).
    • The time to complete Freehold has been reduced to 30 minutes (was 31 minutes).
    • The time to complete Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr has been reduced to 35 minutes (was 38 minutes).
    • Brackenhide Hollow
      • Decatriarch Wratheye
        • Decaying Strength will be cast more consistently.
        • Decaying Strength now only increases Physical damage done.
        • Decaystrike can be cast while moving.
        • Decaystrike absorbs 30% less healing.
        • Rotburst Totem health reduced by 25%.
        • Withering Rot damage reduced by 20%.
        • Withering Rot reduces damage done by 2% per stack (was 5%).
      • Treemouth
        • Consume absorbs 25% less damage.
    • Freehold
      • Alliance characters trying to access Kul Tiras to enter Freehold should no longer be teleported back to Stormwind.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Containment Apparatus' Containment Beam to target pets.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Naraxas
        • Toxic Retch damage reduced by 30%.
        • Hurling Rocks damage reduced by 20%.
      • Dargrul the Underking
        • Increased the cast time of Magma Wave to 2.5 seconds (was .25 seconds).
        • Lava Geysers now persist for 60 seconds (Was infinite).
        • Flame Gout occurs every 3 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
    • Vortex Pinnacle
      • Slipstreams that spawn after defeating Ertan and Altairus now grant players 100% movement speed until enter entering combat.
      • Altairus
        • Biting Cold damage reduced by 25%.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where Primal Nightflames could stop players from eating at Suffusion Camps just by looking at them.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where stacks from Neltharion's Call to Dominance would reset at the start and end of Mythic+ encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Voice of the Silent Star stacks would be canceled immediately upon entering or leaving combat through Mythic+ dungeons.

Player versus Player

  • Battlegrounds
    • Ashran
      • Resolved an issue with capturing the Risen Spirits during events in Ashran.
    • Classes
      • Hunter
        • Marksmanship
          • Aimed Shot should no longer rarely deal half damage in PvP situations.
      • Warlock
        • Demonology
          • Eye of the Observer from Call Observer can now only trigger a Laserbeam once per second per enemy.


  • Crafting orders for Undulating Sporecloak should now be viewable and completable.


  • During the cave dive “Successful Interventions” Mr. Sunflower will be far more welcoming.
  • Cast Off Shells in the world quest “Shell Corporation” should now only be lootable by the player who feeds a Redolent Whelk a Succulent Looking Deepcap.


  • Horrific Visions
    • Fixed an issue where Sanity was being drained too quickly in Horrific Visions.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Sara will now receive a message on Vezax's death that forces her to spawn immediately.
    • Developers’ notes: This should prevent the issue that a few rocket boot equipped players experience where it's currently possible, if you run fast enough into Yogg's room after Vezax's death, that you start the encounter before Sara has spawned and results in a Yogg fight that can't progress past phase 1. Thanks speedrunners!

May 10, 2023


  • The Family Battler of Zaralek Cavern achievement now properly awards the pet Gerald. Additionally, Gerald has been flagged as "unique" and "not cageable," as is normal for achievement-awarded pets. For players who already have the achievement and did not get the pet, we are working on a separate fix to make sure they get their pet reward.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating Kazzara, the Hellforged wouldn't complete the criteria for the Heroic: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible achievement.


  • Evoker
    • Devastation
      • Imminent Destruction is no longer dispellable.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue that caused Resplendent Light to not transfers its healing to Beacon of Light targets.
    • Retribution
      • The swing timer for Crusading Strikes should no longer be reset by other abilities.
  • Warrior
    • Fixed an issue where Bloodthirst would not appropriately deal damage when chained via Whirlwind if at least 1 target was immune.


  • Freehold
    • Fixed an issue where multiple spells could target pets.
    • Harlan Sweete
      • Fixed an issue that caused the bleed effect of Harlan Sweete's Whirling Dagger to not properly bounce between targets while under the effects of Loaded Dice: All Hands!

Enemies and NPCs

  • Suffusion Camp
    • Everburning Keys will now drop from Suffusion Mold bosses until the player has 3 or has looted the Secured Shipment for the week.

Items and Rewards

  • Removed pop-up notification that appeared when party/raid members earn Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Players will still see the notification for their own Fragments.
  • Fixed an issue where Beacon to the Beyond, Enduring Dreadplate, Djaruun, and Ward of Faceless Ire would not reset their cooldowns upon ending an encounter.
  • Void-Touched Curios from Sarkareth are no longer unique.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Monk
      • Resolved an issue that could cause Stormspirit Strikes (PvP Talent) to deal more damage than intended to targets.


  • Fixed an issue where looting a Secured Shipment could prevent “Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp” from being completed.

WoW Classic Era

  • The Defias Traitor is no longer killable by players of the opposite faction to prevent griefing.

May 9, 2023


  • Dracthyr wearing the Scarlet Crusade tabard can now speak to the Scarlet Quartermaster in the Darkmoon Faire.


  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue causing Halo and Divine Star to appear in the incorrect Spellbook.
    • Discipline
      • Fixed an issue causing Halo and Divine Star to not convert to Shadow spells when casting Shadow Covenant.
    • Shadow
      • Resolved an issue causing Void Lashers spawned by Idol of C'Thun to stop attacking after their initial target dies.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Fixed an issue causing Spirit Walk to cancel Ghost Wolf form for Elemental Shaman.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Fixed an issue that allowed players to reset The Forgotten Experiments encounter unintentionally.
  • Brackenhide Hollow
    • Fixed an issue that caused Chief Softpaw not to spawn.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Gulping Goliath
      • Fixed an issue that caused the visual for Cave In to not properly display.
  • Seat of the Triumvirate
    • Fixed an issue blocking progress in the dungeon if Viceroy Nezhar is instantly slain.
  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Raging no longer applies to lieutenant level creatures.
        • Developer's notes: Enemies that are +1 level above others are no longer affected by the Raging affix. Since they're typically already immune to Crowd Control, the Raging effect would be redundant in these cases and reduce clarity of which enemy to dispel.
    • Freehold
      • Harlan Sweete
        • Harlan Sweete’s Swiftwind Saber no longer hits pets.

Items and Rewards

  • The Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged dragonriding manuscript now has a very low chance to drop from Sarkareth on LFR, Normal, and Heroic raid difficulties. Mythic raiders will always receive two manuscripts per Sarkareth kill until the end of the expansion.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Suffusion Camp
    • Fixed an issue where Fyrakk was more vulnerable than intended.
    • Reduced how often Fyrakk threatens to burn players.

Player versus Player

  • Hired Kithguard in Loamm have been training with Brullo the Strong and are now a more serious deterrent to PvP inside of town.
  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Feral
        • Wild Attunement now highlights Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim when active.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Wild Attunement to sometimes not cast Feral Frenzy if used at max melee range.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to complete the legacy quest "Call of the Raven Mother."
  • Zaralek Cavern
    • Players will now keep the Protection of the Ebon Flight buff during "Know Thy Enemy" even if "Legends of the Zaqali" is completed beforehand.

May 8, 2023


  • Demon Hunter
    • Fixed an issue that caused targets with Misery in Defeat's debuff to be treated as if they were crowd-controlled and thus avoided by some skills (i.e. Avenger's Shield).
    • Havoc
      • [With weekly restarts] Melee auto attack damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Demon's Bite damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Demon Blades damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Felblade damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Isolated Prey now increases Eye Beam damage by 30% when striking 1 target (was 25%).
    • Vengeance
      • Developer's notes: The rules and behavior for how Fiery Brand refreshed and spread with the Burning Alive talent had some historic inconsistencies and minor bugs that became more egregious when the talented second charge and the 10.1 Set Bonus were introduced. Alongside the fix described above, we wanted to clarify the behavior players should expect moving forward:
        • Applying Fiery Brand to a target already afflicted by your Fiery Brand will refresh its duration, to a maximum of 10 seconds.
        • With the Burning Alive talent selected, only Fiery Brands applied directly (by casting the spell or from the Set bonus) are capable of spreading.
        • Every 2 seconds while a spread-capable Fiery Brands persists, it will try to spread to a nearby target that does not already have a Fiery Brand applied. There is no longer a hidden rule preventing a target from being spread to multiple times in a short period.
        • When a Fiery Brand successfully spreads to a new target, the duration of the spread will always be 10 seconds, regardless of the original or remaining duration of the source it spread from.
      • Fixed an issue causing Fiery Brand to continue to spread after its expiration.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Immolation Aura from benefitting some bonuses, including (but not limited to) Fiery Demise.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Fiery Brand from benefitting from Holy Priest's Symbol of Hope cooldown reduction.
      • [With weekly restarts] Shear damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Fracture damage increased by 10%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Soul Carver damage increased by 20%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Focused Cleave now increases Soul Cleave's damage to your primary target by 40% (was 30%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Soulcrush now applies Frailty to your primary target for 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Developers' Note: In some single target scenarios it's still looking optimal to cast Wrath in Lunar Eclipse. That doesn't meet our goal for how Balance should play, so we're reducing Wrath's effectiveness outside Solar Eclipse and increasing its effectiveness inside Solar Eclipse to correct this. We're also boosting Balance's single target damage a small amount.
      • [With weekly restarts] Wrath Astral Power generation reduced to 8 (down from 10).
      • [With weekly restarts] Wrath damage decreased by 5%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Solar Eclipse now increases Wrath damage by 40% (up from 20%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Soul of the Forest now increases Wrath's Astral Power generation while in Solar Eclipse by 60% (up from 30%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Damage dealt by Faerie Dragons summoned by Denizen of the Dream increased by 25%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Friend of the Fae now increases your Arcane and Nature spell damage by 10% (up from 8%).
      • Primordial Arcanic Pulsar no longer triggers Nature's Grace if the player does not have any Eclipse.
    • Feral
      • [With weekly restarts] Rampant Ferocity now deals 30% of damage dealt by Ferocious Bite to nearby enemies (down from 35%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Tear Open Wounds now deals 50% of Rip damage it consumes (down from 60%).
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue causing some Guardian talents and abilities to incorrectly buff non-class spells.
    • Restoration
      • [With weekly restarts] All healing abilities increased by 2%.
  • Evoker
    • Fire Breath will now correctly refund its mana cost if it is canceled while empowering.
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • [With weekly restarts] Essence Font healing increased by 15%.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • [With weekly restarts] All healing abilities decreased by 3%. Does not apply to PvP Combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Avenging Crusader now transfers 500% of damage done into healing (was 575%).
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • Fixed an issue that caused some skills to be unaffected by Assassination's Mastery: Potent Assassin, including Kingsbane's initial damage, Sepsis, and Mutilate's damage from Vicious Venoms.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality's critical damage bonus from affecting Subtlety's Shadowstrike attacks.
    • Outlaw
      • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality's critical damage bonus from affecting Outlaw’s Sinister Strike attacks.
    • Subtlety
      • Developers’ notes: Class talents that previously modified all damage from spell schools are, in most cases, being updated and standardized with other similar effects to no longer affect external damage sources outside of those that belong to that class. The changes to the below talents impact Subtlety’s damage enough to warrant compensation, which is the reason for the buff to all ability damage.
      • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by 4%.
      • [With weekly restarts] Veiltouched, Deeper Daggers, and Dark Brew no longer affect damage from sources outside of Class and Spec abilities available to Subtlety.
  • Warrior
    • Protection
      • [With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue where Battering Ram was providing a passive 20% critical strike damage bonus to all damage rather than to Shield Charge.

Items and Rewards

  • [With weekly restarts] Algeth'ar Puzzle Box shared cooldown increased to 30 seconds, effect decreased by 30% for Unholy specialization.
  • Fixed an issue where World Boss items were previewing the incorrect item levels in the Dungeon Journal.
  • Big Slick in the City's Conch Whistle is no longer usable in combat, or inside instances and raids.
  • In Zaralek Cavern, all players with at least one stack of Insidious Insight will now receive a message indicating when another player has claimed the Seething Cache.

Player versus Player

  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Developers’ notes: Restoration Druid has fallen behind other healers in PvP since the release of 10.0.7. We’d like to ease some previous PvP adjustments that we no longer feel are necessary.
      • [With weekly restarts] Budding Leaves' effectiveness now reduced by 30% in PvP Combat (was 50%).
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Developers’ notes: Mistweavers have received significant Quality of Life changes throughout the last few patches that have increased their effectiveness in PvP to a point where we see them as oppressive to the viability of other specializations. We’re reducing many of the PvP multipliers associated with Ancient Teachings and their damage throughput, and we’re increasing the effectiveness of Renewing Mist to encourage Healing over Time management and reducing Vivify’s healing to keep their casting throughput relatively similar.
      • [With weekly restarts] Ancient Teachings' effectiveness is now increased by 120% in PvP Combat (was 150%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Blackout Kick no longer deals 25% increased damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Blackout Kicks from Teachings of the Monastery now deal 15% reduced damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Tiger Palm now deals 15% increased damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat (was 30%).
      • [With weekly restarts] Rising Sun Kick's damage reduced by 20% for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Vivify's primary healing now reduced by 10% for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
      • [With weekly restarts] Renewing Mist's healing increased by 40% in PvP Combat (was 25%).


  • Fixed an issue where some recipes without “Use Best Quality Reagents” option would sometimes incorrectly use Q3 reagents despite Q1 being selected.
  • Alchemy
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage from inheriting its new intended value of 400% (was 100%).
  • Herbalism
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Zaralek Glowbur aura to frequently break stealth and engage enemies.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the themed aura extension effect from applying when gathering basic, non-themed gathering nodes.
  • Mining
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the themed aura extension effect from applying when gathering basic, non-themed gathering nodes.


  • Fixed an issue where the minimap would sometimes not populate for players after accepting “Murloc Mania.”
  • The “Here We Go Again” campaign header will now inform players if they reach the end of the currently available campaign content and need to wait for more to be unlocked.
  • Zaralek Cavern
    • “Aiding the Accord: Sniffenseeking” will now auto-complete the dig objective if you've already done a dig with Myrrit this week. Players currently affected will need to abandon and re-accept the quest in Valdrakken.

Trading Post

  • Fixed a bug where the purchase button could become available for frozen items after the monthly rollover.

May 5, 2023


  • The achievement Proof of Myrrit no longer requires the quest "Brand New Digs."


  • Developers' notes: Earlier this week, we changed Embellishments so that they did not scale with class talents, abilities, and set bonuses. We've decided to revert that change, and we're now making updates to class abilities that unintentionally boosted the damage of non-class effects such as Embellishments and trinkets.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Fiery Demise now affects only Demon Hunter class damage, and does not affect trinket or item damage, or Fire damage dealt by other casters.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Friend of the Fae and Waning Twilight now affect only Druid class damage, and do not affect trinket or item damage.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Demonic Tyrant's Demonfire was benefiting from The Houndmaster's Stratagem.

Dragonriding and Mounts

  • Fixed an issue where some mount riding animations were playing incorrectly.

Items and Rewards

  • The item awarding the pet Diamondshell no longer gives an error saying the spell is not available, and now correctly awards the pet.
  • The toy "Earpieces of Tranquil Focus" now costs 1 copper (was 50 gold).
    • Developers’ notes: This toy eliminates many musical and vocal projections of characters around the player. This toy can be purchased from Craggle Wobbletop in Stormwind, Blax Bottlerocket in Orgimmar, Jepetto Joybuzz or his clockwork assistant in Dalaran (either), and Kazbala in Talador.

Player versus Player

  • Warlock
    • Soul Rip (PvP Talent) healing reduction no longer stacks with other similar effects in PvP.

Trading Post

  • Adjusted the sheathing position for Tiercel's Wing.


  • Fixed an issue that prevents players from picking up “A Room Without a View.” Rupert will now offer to take you to the vault even if you don't have the quest.

May 4, 2023 



  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • Fixed an issue that caused the critical damage bonus of the Rising Star talent to be lower than intended.
  • Warlock
    • Call Observer (PvP Talent) Laserbeam no longer procs from unintended effects, and no longer damages player pets and summons.
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Legion Strike from Grimoire: Felguard was benefitting from Immutable Hatred.
      • Fixed an issue where Pact of the Imp Mother was not correctly benefitting from being Rank 2.

Items and Rewards

  • Rae'ena and Cataloger Jakes of the Dragonscale Expedition now have the drakewatcher manuscript Renewed Proto-Drake: Brown Hair in stock.


  • Herbalism
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Zaralek Glowbur buff to frequently break stealth and attract enemies.


  • Seething Cache now correctly cancels Insidious Insight on all players after being looted by the first player to reach it.
  • Fixed an issue where the creatures required to complete the quest Flesh To Bone were not spawning frequently enough.
  • Players who die and release spirit during the Sniffenseeking puzzle "Your Weight in Gold" will now correctly appear at the graveyard inside of the Mysterious Cave.
  • During the Sniffenseek dig "Heart of Iron', Myrrit will be more helpful, to suggest sniffing for the final chest after the key is found.
  • The Smelly Bag for the Sniffenseeking tutorial "The Buddy System" should now re-appear if players do not loot or accidentally discard the key.
  • Added sparkles to certain objectives in Sniffenseeking to help improve visibility.


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in crashes for mac users under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where player nameplates were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get an error when viewing a PvP vendor.
  • Fixed an issue where Pandaren did not have race change options.

May 3, 2023


  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue where Infirmity would increase all damage done, rather than just class spells and abilities.


  • Fixed an issue where some characters were not able to Dragonride after the 10.1 update.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Melidrussa Chillworn
      • Ice Bulwark now absorbs 25% less damage.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Kurog Grimtotem
      • Enveloping Earth now absorbs 25% less healing on all difficulties.
    • Broodkeeper Diurna
      • Icy Shroud now absorbs 25% less healing on all difficulties.
    • Raszageth
      • Stormsurge now absorbs 25% less damage on all difficulties.
      • Shattering Shroud now absorbs 25% less healing on all difficulties.


  • Engineering
    • Fixed a bug that prevented players from teleporting to the Zaralek Cavern with their Wyrmhole Generator.
    • Fixed a bug that restricted the Forbidden Reach teleport option on the Wyrmhole Generator until after the Zaralek Cavern teleport was unlocked.


  • Added option for players to turn in this quest to Elder Honeypelt during “In the Wake of Ashes.”
  • The quests "A Worthy Ally" and "Tougher Down Under" should now unlock for any level 70 character on an account that has completed the first chapter of Zaralek Cavern on any character.
  • Fixed an issue where completing the World Quest "Ending Their Watch" Could prevent you from completing "A Room Without a View."


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to access the support site from the in-game menu.

May 2, 2023


  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Fixed an issue causing Blackout Kick and Spinning Crane Kick to deal more damage than intended.


  • Embellishments should not scale with class talents, abilities, or set bonuses that affect the caster's damage or healing.
    • Developers' notes: This fix addresses a PTR behavior of Embellishments that was unintended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power crafting order recipe was requesting the wrong reagents.
    • Developers' notes: All Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power crafting orders that have not been fulfilled by the time this hotfix goes live have been canceled.


  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't get credit for completing Chapter 1 of Embers of Neltharion.

The hotfix notes for the previous patch can be found here.